Expert Access: Re-opening Offices and Showrooms – How to Prepare and What to Expect
May 14, 2020
Last week, DLN’s Peter Sallick hosted Doug Garfinkle, EVP, Showrooms at Kravet and Eric Sanchez, Executive Director, Business Strategy & Real Estate at Waterworks to discuss their expert planning efforts for their own offices and showroom openings as well as working with the Design Centers International Board to plan to for the re-opening of design centers.
The duo reviewed ideas for staggered and rotating employee staff schedules to allow for social distancing in the office and showrooms. They also provided solutions for securing unique and local PPE resources, investing in added hygienic devices, and decluttering and cleaning in preparation of the reopening of offices and showrooms. Identifying choke points such as seating in conference rooms, cafés, or kitchens to ensure everyone is in a safe and healthy environment was also suggested as an immediate review before allowing employees back into the workplace. Lastly a big takeaway is asking everyone to take a personal responsibility and accountability in keeping each other safe by following these new guidelines.
In case you missed the informative discussion, click here to watch.